It was great to be able to pick up Elisheva's parents from Stansted, who had a wonderful time over here for a week, and felt the warmth of the special Muswell Hill Community. They left the community two books on the city of Lodz and its Jewish community and look forward to their next visit. My father-in-law took some video footage which he will transfer into video format so we can all view some bits of Sunday's induction.
The day saw the Magic Moments delegation preparing diligently for their performance in the evening. They ran a moving Yom HaZikaron ceremony attended by about 100 of us. There was so much emotion in the ceremony and we were really allowed to enter if not for a few moments the world of suffering that surrounds young people who live in Israel, especially in the northern areas. This year's group were so impressive, and thanks also must go to Phil Style for putting so much effort into the organisation...and always with a smile.
Yom Haatzmaut was just so much fun, and inspired me to go away and learn Israeli national dancing. Anne Greenwood runs classes for ladies each term, and my wife Elisheva is an avid follower of these. So the women certainly outdid the men in their dancing ability! But everyone had a great time, and we experienced a small part of what those living in Israel experience when they move from the solemnity of Remembrance Day to the joy of Independence Day.
We had a minyan Wednesday morning, where Hallel was said...without a bracha. Lots of discussion on that this year! But we had a minyan - and I think that religious expressions are so vital on Independence Day. In Israel the day often has become marked by blow up hammers, shaving foam and barbeques. OK, they are fun, but their is also the thanksgiving to G-d that we have a State.
My daughter had a wonderful day as her school, Morasha Jewish Primary School was taken to the Independent Jewish Day School in Hendon. I was proud that her school is religious but also teaches how much a central place Israel is in our lives as a people.
Tribe club also marked Independence Day with its Arts and Crafts productions...and the Rabbi taught the Club how to dance Mayim can learn anything with YouTube!
The rest of the week was becoming hectic. A speech to write for the induction, teenagers to prepare for the induction, a double portion of layening...and more. But before my induction there was something else that brought me much pride on...
On Shabbat a lunch was organised for about 120 parents and children of families with primary age school children. Run by Rachel, Zoe, and Tamara (thanks so much to you all!) it was a massive success, with great food, a story for the kids, a sing song and just great social. New families found friends, regulars also found new faces - it was just a pleasure to watch - look out for the next one!
Sunday - Induction day.
I am still confused as to whether I was inducted or induced, but whichever one, Sunday's induction was so special. Thanks for all those who came - it was a great day for our community. The Chief Rabbi spoke so well, as well as Simon Hochhauser. Our three teenagers, Emily, James and Noah were just superb. I so wanted the community to hear a young person's perspective on community, and that is what we got. Thanks again for all those who organised the event - as some of you have humorously said - now I can stay! Above are two memories, of the Chief Rabbi speaking, and of my duet with Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld. I was so appreciative of his officiating the ceremony.
Lastly - had a really interesting conversation with Rabbi Shneerson, Rav of the Rovno Jewish Community, our twin. He was telling me how the local police recently discovered a mass grave of 20 Jews who had been taken from the Rovno Ghetto and murdered by probably the einsatzgruppen. It was quite a moving conversation and he was telling me about other, larger mass graves around Rovno and how he has been organising proper ceremonies to give honour to those that were killed. It really motiviated me to look to learn more about the history of Rovno's Jewish community. If you know anything, or are interested to learn, be in touch with me.
1 comment:
congrulations on your induction, you are a valuable addition to Muswell Hill
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