Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Diary Entry

Monday 18th May
I have now made it official that Monday is my weekly day off. Now you may ask the question - can a Rabbi have a day off. I mean, doesn't he work 24/7? My answer would be that there is a difference between a Rabbi who is connected to his job 24/7 and one that is available for needs 24/7. A Rabbi has a family, and they also have needs, and so to set aside time when those needs can be taken care of is so vital. I did make it clear that of course for needs such as funerals and stonesettings, the day off would be set aside.

Tuesday 19th May
A nice morning in my Shul office, working on the projects that I am pushing forward in the community at present. One of these projects was also referred to in the recent Jewish Chronicle press relating to my induction. In my speech I had referred to the need for an eruv in the Muswell Hill area, and this quickly became a story.
An 'eruv' is the term given for an enclosed area where it is permitted to carry on Shabbat (carrying is one of the 39 forbidden types of work on Shabbat). A number of hundred years ago, towns would often be enclosed by walls, so there was no problem considering areas or towns enclosed. When these walls were brought down, it became much more complicated to enclose an area. A number of man made boundaries can be used, such as elevated banks, or even central reservations of main roads. But boundaries can also be made of house fronts and garden gates. If for instance, a road goes through the boundary, it would need to be closed off. According to Jewish Law, this could be achieved by putting up two poles and putting some wire from the top of one pole to the second. A number of pairs of poles will then be needed around the boundary of the enclosed area, and this is what constitutes the bulk of the cost of building it.

I think that there are a number of good solid reasons behind building such an eruv and so allowing according to Jewish Law, carrying on Shabbat:
  • a religious family would feel comfortable living in our community. We are an Orthodox community and if a few religous families could live in our catchment area, it would only enrich the religious life of the community
  • there are a number of families who presently are members and who have said how great it would be if when pushing a buggy on Shabbat, they would not be breaking Jewish Law
  • a number of other communities in the United Synagogue are looking to build an eruv. If we are left behind, we will lose any religious core to our community
  • family members or friends who live in say Hampstead or Finchley would be able to walk over as a family to Muswell Hill on Shabbat without any worry of carrying
It has been great that the reaction of our community has been so positive - long may this continue!

Thursday 21st May
The Talmud class had a visit from Raphy and Maureen from LSJS which was very pleasant and really added to the Shiur atmosphere. The class has such a creative dynanic to it but is also such fun to be a part of. I had to leave prompt on 12pm and with Joost's help in getting me to East Finchley tube station travelled to central London to my monthly talk at Denton Wilde Sapte in Fleet Place. This month I gave a class on the First Commandment, using the commentary of Rashi and last century's great Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik. God exclaims - 'I am the Lord your God who took you out of Egypt, from the House of slavery'. So for instance we looked at the issue of why God introduces Himself with reference to the Exodus and not the Creation. What is the difference between the God of Creation and the God of the Exodus?
A busy day continued with a barmitzvah lesson for David which went very well - I know have the notes of layening the Torah on a computer format so I can email anyone who would like to learn!

Friday 22nd May
Up early this morning to arrive for Shacharit at 7am in Cockfosters and North Southgate Synagogue on Old Farm Avenue. Rabbi Fine had invited me to speak at a breakfast that was annually held there in honour of Yom Yerushalayim, 42 years since the re-unification of Jerusalem. I spoke of how important it is not to think in terms of exile and redemption as if they are two separate time periods that simply meet. In other words, when Jerusalem was recaptured people felt that we were moving from a period of exile straight into redemption. But there is a middle period, where there are signs of redemption but also still clear signs that we are in exile. This is the meaning of our modern State of Israel - it is not what we want totally, but we can still rejoice in its very existence.

Saturday 23rd May
We had the second of our MHY Space, Muswell Hill Youth Service which once again was successful with nearly 25 teenagers and is even becoming first choice minyan for one or two Dads! Joe and Alex davened wonderfully. Sammy, Noah and Ben from Palmers Green layened excellently and others helped as well, The kiddush of chocolate, marshmallows and Pringles went down well! But altogether it is so satisfying to see so many of our teenagers together in Shul. Look out for the next Youth Service in early July.

Sunday and Monday 24th and 25th May
We went down to Richmond as a family and spent the day with friends from Kingston, in Richmond Park enjoying the play areas for children, the roaming deer, and the beautiful weather. The Bank Holiday spirit continued on Monday when we got together with a number of my cousins that live in London - a family reunion of sorts. If you are on facebook and one of my friends, you could view these pictures that my cousin Zila took. I will post one picture that I loved!

Monday, 18 May 2009

Diary Entry

Monday 11th May - Lag B'Omer night
There might have been massive festivities on Mount Meron in the north of Israel, as every year - but we also celebrated this day in Muswell Hill. Over forty people attended a barbeque at the Simons house next door to Synagogue. There was plenty of meat, pitta and other delicacies, and a real communal spirit was felt by all. There are at least two other members' gardens that have put themselves forward for next years barbeque, so this will become an annual communal meet...with meat! Thanks to the Simons for hosting, and many thanks to our ever wonderful Adrian for getting the barbeques going and managing them.

Tuesday 12th May
We had a guest at our home this week, a young lady from Krakow in Poland called Maya. She will be getting married under a Chuppa in June - and recently with her husband to be met a group of chidlren and madrichim from Immanuel College in Bushey. The school group began a project to help the married couple to be and brought Maya over so that she could come back with a wedding dress and other goodies - and the Immanuel College families through a Kalla party for her. All great stuff - Elisheva volunteered to house Maya for the time she was in London and helped her get around. She really was a pleasure, and we wish her and her Chattan Jakub a warm mazaltov. When you see what it is like living a religious life in Krakow, you cannot take for granted the facilities that we have day to day. Maya was most excited about taking back a loaf of kosher bread to Krakow!

Wednesday 13th May
This morning began a new chavrouta - or learning partner, with a Rabbi colleague of mine. Chavrouta is the staple structure of learning in the yeshiva schools of learning Torah. One learns with a partner and prepares the sources that the Rav has given out. Then there is a shiur or class by the Rav on these sources. My Wednesday morning chavrouta will be without shiur, but we had some interesting learning, looking into the ideas and laws behind the mitzva to have children - all very fascinating. How many children should one have? Who is obligated to have children? What if one cannot? Does one really need large families? What is the reasoning behind this commandment? Are non-Jews commanded in it? And more.
Tribe club was much fun as usual, and is continuing to be a great success. The children are being taught how to carry out circus talents such as spining plates and the diabalo.
In the evening I unfortunately had to miss the whisky club hosted by Michael Rose and sponsored by family member Simon Lurie. The word got out quick that there were some rare single malts - even an Indian malt! If you didn't make it and would like to come to this great communal event, check e-thos for the next one.

Thursday 13th May
At the Talmud shiur we had a spirited discussion on the topic of having faith in the Sages that wrote the Talmud - those Rabbis we call Chazal (Chachamim zichronam l'vracha). Is everything they wrote in the Talmud to be open to legal analyisis or not. I studied in a yeshiva where most if not all the Rabbis had been pupils of the late Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik of Boston, USA. Rabbi Soloveitchik comes from a dynasty of Rabbis known as the Brisk dynasty (from Brest-Litovsk of today) and known for their analytical approach to Jewish law. So if in the Talmud, a position is put forward but then rejected, a Brisker approach would still maintain this rejected position in case it impacts on law in another related situation. In other words, everything recorded in the Talmud may have legal impact potentially somewhere else. Rejection does not mean complete rejection. Joost kindly sent me a link to an article on the topic of having faith in the Sages (Emunat Chachamim) which I have been looking at - here is the link if you are interested: http://www.hakirah.org/Vol%205%20Rabinovitch.pdf

Saturday 16th May
We had the chance to wish a warm mazaltov to Rita and Norma who have both turned eighty years, but who both did not look a bit of this age with their wonderful attitude to life. Norma has done such tremendous work building up the Rosh Chodesh group and Rita has so many wondeful stories to tell for anyone who is in conversation with her...which of course could be in fluent French or Italian!
The sermon this week stressed the importance of treating the poor with dignity and the idea that it is better to prevent the movement towards poverty than to move someone back out of poverty - the latter requires so much more effort and resources.

Sunday 17th May
The Cheder had its annual Lag B'Omer barbeque with some much appreciated help from some of the Dads - thanks also to Sara for her help in arranging.
In the afternoon there was a Mother and Daughter Pre-Batmitzvah programme arranged by Niki and myself. We had six girls and their mums and we had some really interesting discussions on the woman's role in the religion, in shul, and in comparison to the male figure. Lots of difficult but important questions were asked. Texts were prepared for reading and learning by the mum and daughter couples - and there were some welcome refreshements from Daniels. Altogether an enriching afternoon.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Diary Entry

Tuesday 5th May
Visited an esteemed member of our community in the morning who was recovering from a knee replacement. It was great to see him in good fettle, and this certainly cheered me up for the day...until the evening. There I was enjoying the first 10 minutes of the European Champions League Semi-final with Alex Mitchell, whose hospitality was delightful, and Arsenal were already clearly knocked out of the competition. A clear message from above I sensed...either football is just not that important; or stop supporting Arsenal.

Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th May
The Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue had organised their annual conference this year in a lovely country house just north of London in Hertfordshire. A scholar was brought in from the States to talk about marital issues such as relationships between couples who do not share the same level of religiousness. We had a talk on the present situation of anti-semitism by Anthony Julius and a quite hilarious talk at dinner by Martin Ziegman, who has a long and successful career as a barrister. He told some great stories about being a religious Jew and a barrister. He had received permission in the 1970's to enter a hotel lift on Shabbat if someone else entered first and only exit when someone else did so. He once entered a lift, and a beautiful lady entered after him. She then proceeded to ask him 'On which floor are you exiting' to which he replied 'When you exit, so will I'. She got off at the next floor! We had a great shiur from Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman who teaches in London, and there was plenty Rabbinic networking time as well...and not to forget, the food was good. This was the first year that the conference was non-residential as there are no kosher hotels now in Bournemourth that can house the conference - but nevertheless it was good value.

I arrived back after the conference direct to Slice Pizza in Golders Green where I took four pizzas to Fortismere School for their Jewish society. There I lead a facilitated discussion on Jewish myticism - in many ways demistifying mistycism. Lag B'Omer is also the yahrtzheit of Shimon bar Yochai who is traditionally understood to have authored the Zohar, a classic work on kabbala. Twenty-five children turned up to the Jewish society meeting - not sure whether for my words of wisdom...or for the pizza!

In the evening was my appraisal group, with Clive, Stephen and Helen in attendance, working with me on how to improve my effectiveness in the community, and discussing ideas and projects that I am looking into. It has so far been incredibly helpful and constructive.

Friday 8th May
The induction was a leader article in the Community Section of the Jewish Chronicle, focussing also on the comments I made in my speech surrounding the eruv. If you would like to be involved in the eruv idea, then be in touch.

Shabbat 9th May
The sermon this week centred around the statement in Ethics of the Fathers - 'In a place where there are no people, strive to be a person'. I applied this to the lack of forthcoming candidates for the position of warden and how important it was that men came forward. I did praise the womenfolk of our community for their dedication to our community!
My talk after Shabbat afternoon service was on a possibly obscure but quite interesting topic. It is considered a mitzvah to give up one's life if put into certain difficult situations, such as being forced to kill someone else or die. The issue we discussed was whether like other positive commandments, this would require a blessing. There has been much discussion on this topic and over what exactly the blessing would be indeed. This week I will talk about whether it is acceptable for a woman to read the megilla on Purim. Come along and enjoy a Shabbat evening discussion.

Sunday 10th May
This week's GCSE breakfast was as tasty as ever, with bagels, cheese, smoked salmon, croissants, rogelach and more. We are studying 'rites of passage' at the moment and on Sunday we focuses on the Jewish funeral, after having covered brit, pidyon haben, and wedding. We spend a family afternoon in sunny Golders Hill Park after which I returned to teach a barmitzvah lesson, batmitzvah lesson and then pop off to the Synagogue AGM
Another busy week! But if a week has passed where a number of Jewish men or women know more about their Judaism, I am satisfied.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Diary Entry

It was great to be able to pick up Elisheva's parents from Stansted, who had a wonderful time over here for a week, and felt the warmth of the special Muswell Hill Community. They left the community two books on the city of Lodz and its Jewish community and look forward to their next visit. My father-in-law took some video footage which he will transfer into video format so we can all view some bits of Sunday's induction.

The day saw the Magic Moments delegation preparing diligently for their performance in the evening. They ran a moving Yom HaZikaron ceremony attended by about 100 of us. There was so much emotion in the ceremony and we were really allowed to enter if not for a few moments the world of suffering that surrounds young people who live in Israel, especially in the northern areas. This year's group were so impressive, and thanks also must go to Phil Style for putting so much effort into the organisation...and always with a smile.
Yom Haatzmaut was just so much fun, and inspired me to go away and learn Israeli national dancing. Anne Greenwood runs classes for ladies each term, and my wife Elisheva is an avid follower of these. So the women certainly outdid the men in their dancing ability! But everyone had a great time, and we experienced a small part of what those living in Israel experience when they move from the solemnity of Remembrance Day to the joy of Independence Day.

We had a minyan Wednesday morning, where Hallel was said...without a bracha. Lots of discussion on that this year! But we had a minyan - and I think that religious expressions are so vital on Independence Day. In Israel the day often has become marked by blow up hammers, shaving foam and barbeques. OK, they are fun, but their is also the thanksgiving to G-d that we have a State.
My daughter had a wonderful day as her school, Morasha Jewish Primary School was taken to the Independent Jewish Day School in Hendon. I was proud that her school is religious but also teaches how much a central place Israel is in our lives as a people.
Tribe club also marked Independence Day with its Arts and Crafts productions...and the Rabbi taught the Club how to dance Mayim Mayim...you can learn anything with YouTube!

The rest of the week was becoming hectic. A speech to write for the induction, teenagers to prepare for the induction, a double portion of layening...and more. But before my induction there was something else that brought me much pride on...

On Shabbat a lunch was organised for about 120 parents and children of families with primary age school children. Run by Rachel, Zoe, and Tamara (thanks so much to you all!) it was a massive success, with great food, a story for the kids, a sing song and just great social. New families found friends, regulars also found new faces - it was just a pleasure to watch - look out for the next one!

Sunday - Induction day.
I am still confused as to whether I was inducted or induced, but whichever one, Sunday's induction was so special. Thanks for all those who came - it was a great day for our community. The Chief Rabbi spoke so well, as well as Simon Hochhauser. Our three teenagers, Emily, James and Noah were just superb. I so wanted the community to hear a young person's perspective on community, and that is what we got. Thanks again for all those who organised the event - as some of you have humorously said - now I can stay! Above are two memories, of the Chief Rabbi speaking, and of my duet with Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld. I was so appreciative of his officiating the ceremony.

Lastly - had a really interesting conversation with Rabbi Shneerson, Rav of the Rovno Jewish Community, our twin. He was telling me how the local police recently discovered a mass grave of 20 Jews who had been taken from the Rovno Ghetto and murdered by probably the einsatzgruppen. It was quite a moving conversation and he was telling me about other, larger mass graves around Rovno and how he has been organising proper ceremonies to give honour to those that were killed. It really motiviated me to look to learn more about the history of Rovno's Jewish community. If you know anything, or are interested to learn, be in touch with me.